Pitch Battle hits BBC this Saturday!
Cancel your Saturday night plans and set your TVs to record, there's a new series coming to BBC this Saturday! At 7.30pm on June 17th we'll finally be able to see the first episode of BBC One's "Pitch Battle" and we can't wait! This brand new show features choirs and vocal groups from all over the UK, who'll be competing to win a grand prize and prove themselves to be the nation's greatest harmony group! Each week groups will battle against each other, hoping to make it through knock outs to the series grand final. Well of course this is RIGHT up our street! Choirs, vocal groups, colourful performances, epic harmonies and celebrity judges, what more could you want? Oh that's right, arrangements and coaching by our very own founder Mark De-Lisser! Mark's been busying himself away for much of this year alongside a host of other arrangers, working both on the show's material and with the choirs themselves.
Deke Sharon, musical director for both Pitch Battle and it's inspiration, the huge Pitch Perfect film franchise, says of Mark: "Mark is second to none, it's an honour and privilege to work with him!" High praise indeed!
We're super proud of the hard work our founder has put in to this exciting new challenge, and can't wait to finally watch the results on Saturday!
Pitch Battle starts on BBC One at 7.30PM, Saturday 17th June.
Mark and the Pitch Battle Team on set